butes to render on the block wrapper. * @return string String of HTML attributes. */ function get_block_wrapper_attributes( $extra_attributes = array() ) { $new_attributes = WP_Block_Supports::get_instance()->apply_block_supports(); if ( empty( $new_attributes ) && empty( $extra_attributes ) ) { return ''; } // This is hardcoded on purpose. // We only support a fixed list of attributes. $attributes_to_merge = array( 'style', 'class', 'id' ); $attributes = array(); foreach ( $attributes_to_merge as $attribute_name ) { if ( empty( $new_attributes[ $attribute_name ] ) && empty( $extra_attributes[ $attribute_name ] ) ) { continue; } if ( empty( $new_attributes[ $attribute_name ] ) ) { $attributes[ $attribute_name ] = $extra_attributes[ $attribute_name ]; continue; } if ( empty( $extra_attributes[ $attribute_name ] ) ) { $attributes[ $attribute_name ] = $new_attributes[ $attribute_name ]; continue; } $attributes[ $attribute_name ] = $extra_attributes[ $attribute_name ] . ' ' . $new_attributes[ $attribute_name ]; } foreach ( $extra_attributes as $attribute_name => $value ) { if ( ! in_array( $attribute_name, $attributes_to_merge, true ) ) { $attributes[ $attribute_name ] = $value; } } if ( empty( $attributes ) ) { return ''; } $normalized_attributes = array(); foreach ( $attributes as $key => $value ) { $normalized_attributes[] = $key . '="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '"'; } return implode( ' ', $normalized_attributes ); }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "WP_Block_Supports" not found in /htdocs/wp-includes/block-supports/align.php:59 Stack trace: #0 /htdocs/wp-settings.php(373): require() #1 /htdocs/wp-config.php(85): require_once('/htdocs/wp-sett...') #2 /htdocs/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/htdocs/wp-conf...') #3 /htdocs/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/htdocs/wp-load...') #4 /htdocs/index.php(17): require('/htdocs/wp-blog...') #5 {main} thrown in /htdocs/wp-includes/block-supports/align.php on line 59