ng menu items. * * @return void */ public function reorder_marketing_submenu() { global $submenu; if ( ! isset( $submenu['woocommerce-marketing'] ) ) { return; } $marketing_submenu = $submenu['woocommerce-marketing']; $new_menu_order = array(); // Overview should be first. $overview_key = array_search( 'Overview', array_column( $marketing_submenu, self::SUBMENU_NAME_KEY ), true ); if ( false === $overview_key ) { /* * If Overview is not found we may be on a site witha different language. * We can use a fallback and try to find the overview page by its path. */ $overview_key = array_search( 'admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/marketing', array_column( $marketing_submenu, self::SUBMENU_LOCATION_KEY ), true ); } if ( false !== $overview_key ) { $new_menu_order[] = $marketing_submenu[ $overview_key ]; array_splice( $marketing_submenu, $overview_key, 1 ); } // Coupons should be second. $coupons_key = array_search( 'Coupons', array_column( $marketing_submenu, self::SUBMENU_NAME_KEY ), true ); if ( false === $coupons_key ) { /* * If Coupons is not found we may be on a site witha different language. * We can use a fallback and try to find the coupons page by its path. */ $coupons_key = array_search( 'edit.php?post_type=shop_coupon', array_column( $marketing_submenu, self::SUBMENU_LOCATION_KEY ), true ); } if ( false !== $coupons_key ) { $new_menu_order[] = $marketing_submenu[ $coupons_key ]; array_splice( $marketing_submenu, $coupons_key, 1 ); } // Sort the rest of the items alphabetically. usort( $marketing_submenu, function( $a, $b ) { return strcmp( $a[0], $b[0] ); } ); $new_menu_order = array_merge( $new_menu_order, $marketing_submenu ); $submenu['woocommerce-marketing'] = $new_menu_order; //phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited } /** * Add settings for marketing feature. * * @param array $settings Component settings. * @return array */ public function component_settings( $settings ) { // Bail early if not on a wc-admin powered page. if ( ! PageController::is_admin_page() ) { return $settings; } $settings['marketing']['installedExtensions'] = InstalledExtensions::get_data(); return $settings; } }
Warning: Class "Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Marketing" not found in /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Admin/Features/Features.php on line 363
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