Warning: Class "Automattic\WooCommerce\StoreApi\Routes\V1\ProductCategoriesById" not found in /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/StoreApi/deprecated.php on line 73
' . $this->quoteStringLiteral($database); } public function getListTableForeignKeysSQL($table, $database = null) { // The schema name is passed multiple times as a literal in the WHERE clause instead of using a JOIN condition // in order to avoid performance issues on MySQL older than 8.0 and the corresponding MariaDB versions // caused by https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=81347 return 'SELECT k.CONSTRAINT_NAME, k.COLUMN_NAME, k.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, ' . 'k.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME /*!50116 , c.UPDATE_RULE, c.DELETE_RULE */ ' . 'FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE k /*!50116 ' . 'INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS c ON ' . 'c.CONSTRAINT_NAME = k.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND ' . 'c.TABLE_NAME = k.TABLE_NAME */ ' . 'WHERE k.TABLE_NAME = ' . $this->quoteStringLiteral($table) . ' ' . 'AND k.TABLE_SCHEMA = ' . $this->getDatabaseNameSQL($database) . ' /*!50116 ' . 'AND c.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = ' . $this->getDatabaseNameSQL($database) . ' */' . 'ORDER BY k.ORDINAL_POSITION'; } protected function getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQLSnippet($length, $fixed) { if ($length <= 0 || func_num_args() > 2 && func_get_arg(2)) { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/issues/3263', 'Relying on the default string column length on MySQL is deprecated' . ', specify the length explicitly.'); } return $fixed ? $length > 0 ? 'CHAR(' . $length . ')' : 'CHAR(255)' : ($length > 0 ? 'VARCHAR(' . $length . ')' : 'VARCHAR(255)'); } protected function getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQLSnippet($length, $fixed) { if ($length <= 0 || func_num_args() > 2 && func_get_arg(2)) { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/issues/3263', 'Relying on the default binary column length on MySQL is deprecated' . ', specify the length explicitly.'); } return $fixed ? 'BINARY(' . ($length > 0 ? $length : 255) . ')' : 'VARBINARY(' . ($length > 0 ? $length : 255) . ')'; } public function getClobTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { if (!empty($column['length']) && is_numeric($column['length'])) { $length = $column['length']; if ($length <= static::LENGTH_LIMIT_TINYTEXT) { return 'TINYTEXT'; } if ($length <= static::LENGTH_LIMIT_TEXT) { return 'TEXT'; } if ($length <= static::LENGTH_LIMIT_MEDIUMTEXT) { return 'MEDIUMTEXT'; } } return 'LONGTEXT'; } public function getDateTimeTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { if (isset($column['version']) && $column['version'] === \true) { return 'TIMESTAMP'; } return 'DATETIME'; } public function getDateTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { return 'DATE'; } public function getTimeTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { return 'TIME'; } public function getBooleanTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { return 'TINYINT(1)'; } public function prefersIdentityColumns() { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/1519', 'AbstractMySQLPlatform::prefersIdentityColumns() is deprecated.'); return \true; } public function supportsIdentityColumns() { return \true; } public function supportsInlineColumnComments() { return \true; } public function supportsColumnCollation() { return \true; } public function getListTablesSQL() { return "SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_type = 'BASE TABLE'"; } public function getListTableColumnsSQL($table, $database = null) { return 'SELECT COLUMN_NAME AS Field, COLUMN_TYPE AS Type, IS_NULLABLE AS `Null`, ' . 'COLUMN_KEY AS `Key`, COLUMN_DEFAULT AS `Default`, EXTRA AS Extra, COLUMN_COMMENT AS Comment, ' . 'CHARACTER_SET_NAME AS CharacterSet, COLLATION_NAME AS Collation ' . 'FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ' . $this->getDatabaseNameSQL($database) . ' AND TABLE_NAME = ' . $this->quoteStringLiteral($table) . ' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION ASC'; } public function getColumnTypeSQLSnippets(string $tableAlias = 'c') : array { Deprecation::triggerIfCalledFromOutside('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/6202', 'AbstractMySQLPlatform::getColumnTypeSQLSnippets() is deprecated. ' . 'Use AbstractMySQLPlatform::getColumnTypeSQLSnippet() instead.'); return [$this->getColumnTypeSQLSnippet(...func_get_args()), '']; } public function getColumnTypeSQLSnippet(string $tableAlias = 'c', ?string $databaseName = null) : string { return $tableAlias . '.COLUMN_TYPE'; } public function getListTableMetadataSQL(string $table, ?string $database = null) : string { return sprintf(<<<'SQL' SELECT t.ENGINE, t.AUTO_INCREMENT, t.TABLE_COMMENT, t.CREATE_OPTIONS, t.TABLE_COLLATION, ccsa.CHARACTER_SET_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES t INNER JOIN information_schema.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` ccsa ON ccsa.COLLATION_NAME = t.TABLE_COLLATION WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = %s AND TABLE_NAME = %s SQL , $this->getDatabaseNameSQL($database), $this->quoteStringLiteral($table)); } public function getCreateTablesSQL(array $tables) : array { $sql = []; foreach ($tables as $table) { $sql = array_merge($sql, $this->getCreateTableWithoutForeignKeysSQL($table)); } foreach ($tables as $table) { if (!$table->hasOption('engine') || $this->engineSupportsForeignKeys($table->getOption('engine'))) { foreach ($table->getForeignKeys() as $foreignKey) { $sql[] = $this->getCreateForeignKeySQL($foreignKey, $table->getQuotedName($this)); } } elseif (count($table->getForeignKeys()) > 0) { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/5414', 'Relying on the DBAL not generating DDL for foreign keys on MySQL engines' . ' other than InnoDB is deprecated.' . ' Define foreign key constraints only if they are necessary.'); } } return $sql; } protected function _getCreateTableSQL($name, array $columns, array $options = []) { $queryFields = $this->getColumnDeclarationListSQL($columns); if (isset($options['uniqueConstraints']) && !empty($options['uniqueConstraints'])) { foreach ($options['uniqueConstraints'] as $constraintName => $definition) { $queryFields .= ', ' . $this->getUniqueConstraintDeclarationSQL($constraintName, $definition); } } // add all indexes if (isset($options['indexes']) && !empty($options['indexes'])) { foreach ($options['indexes'] as $indexName => $definition) { $queryFields .= ', ' . $this->getIndexDeclarationSQL($indexName, $definition); } } // attach all primary keys if (isset($options['primary']) && !empty($options['primary'])) { $keyColumns = array_unique(array_values($options['primary'])); $queryFields .= ', PRIMARY KEY(' . implode(', ', $keyColumns) . ')'; } $query = 'CREATE '; if (!empty($options['temporary'])) { $query .= 'TEMPORARY '; } $query .= 'TABLE ' . $name . ' (' . $queryFields . ') '; $query .= $this->buildTableOptions($options); $query .= $this->buildPartitionOptions($options); $sql = [$query]; // Propagate foreign key constraints only for InnoDB. if (isset($options['foreignKeys'])) { if (!isset($options['engine']) || $this->engineSupportsForeignKeys($options['engine'])) { foreach ($options['foreignKeys'] as $definition) { $sql[] = $this->getCreateForeignKeySQL($definition, $name); } } elseif (count($options['foreignKeys']) > 0) { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/5414', 'Relying on the DBAL not generating DDL for foreign keys on MySQL engines' . ' other than InnoDB is deprecated.' . ' Define foreign key constraints only if they are necessary.'); } } return $sql; } public function createSelectSQLBuilder() : SelectSQLBuilder { return new DefaultSelectSQLBuilder($this, 'FOR UPDATE', null); } public function getDefaultValueDeclarationSQL($column) { // Unset the default value if the given column definition does not allow default values. if ($column['type'] instanceof TextType || $column['type'] instanceof BlobType) { $column['default'] = null; } return parent::getDefaultValueDeclarationSQL($column); } private function buildTableOptions(array $options) : string { if (isset($options['table_options'])) { return $options['table_options']; } $tableOptions = []; // Charset if (!isset($options['charset'])) { $options['charset'] = 'utf8'; } $tableOptions[] = sprintf('DEFAULT CHARACTER SET %s', $options['charset']); if (isset($options['collate'])) { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/issues/5214', 'The "collate" option is deprecated in favor of "collation" and will be removed in 4.0.'); $options['collation'] = $options['collate']; } // Collation if (!isset($options['collation'])) { $options['collation'] = $options['charset'] . '_unicode_ci'; } $tableOptions[] = $this->getColumnCollationDeclarationSQL($options['collation']); // Engine if (!isset($options['engine'])) { $options['engine'] = 'InnoDB'; } $tableOptions[] = sprintf('ENGINE = %s', $options['engine']); // Auto increment if (isset($options['auto_increment'])) { $tableOptions[] = sprintf('AUTO_INCREMENT = %s', $options['auto_increment']); } // Comment if (isset($options['comment'])) { $tableOptions[] = sprintf('COMMENT = %s ', $this->quoteStringLiteral($options['comment'])); } // Row format if (isset($options['row_format'])) { $tableOptions[] = sprintf('ROW_FORMAT = %s', $options['row_format']); } return implode(' ', $tableOptions); } private function buildPartitionOptions(array $options) : string { return isset($options['partition_options']) ? ' ' . $options['partition_options'] : ''; } private function engineSupportsForeignKeys(string $engine) : bool { return strcasecmp(trim($engine), 'InnoDB') === 0; } public function getAlterTableSQL(TableDiff $diff) { $columnSql = []; $queryParts = []; $newName = $diff->getNewName(); if ($newName !== \false) { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/5663', 'Generation of SQL that renames a table using %s is deprecated. Use getRenameTableSQL() instead.', __METHOD__); $queryParts[] = 'RENAME TO ' . $newName->getQuotedName($this); } foreach ($diff->getAddedColumns() as $column) { if ($this->onSchemaAlterTableAddColumn($column, $diff, $columnSql)) { continue; } $columnProperties = array_merge($column->toArray(), ['comment' => $this->getColumnComment($column)]); $queryParts[] = 'ADD ' . $this->getColumnDeclarationSQL($column->getQuotedName($this), $columnProperties); } foreach ($diff->getDroppedColumns() as $column) { if ($this->onSchemaAlterTableRemoveColumn($column, $diff, $columnSql)) { continue; } $queryParts[] = 'DROP ' . $column->getQuotedName($this); } foreach ($diff->getModifiedColumns() as $columnDiff) { if ($this->onSchemaAlterTableChangeColumn($columnDiff, $diff, $columnSql)) { continue; } $newColumn = $columnDiff->getNewColumn(); $newColumnProperties = array_merge($newColumn->toArray(), ['comment' => $this->getColumnComment($newColumn)]); $oldColumn = $columnDiff->getOldColumn() ?? $columnDiff->getOldColumnName(); $queryParts[] = 'CHANGE ' . $oldColumn->getQuotedName($this) . ' ' . $this->getColumnDeclarationSQL($newColumn->getQuotedName($this), $newColumnProperties); } foreach ($diff->getRenamedColumns() as $oldColumnName => $column) { if ($this->onSchemaAlterTableRenameColumn($oldColumnName, $column, $diff, $columnSql)) { continue; } $oldColumnName = new Identifier($oldColumnName); $columnProperties = array_merge($column->toArray(), ['comment' => $this->getColumnComment($column)]); $queryParts[] = 'CHANGE ' . $oldColumnName->getQuotedName($this) . ' ' . $this->getColumnDeclarationSQL($column->getQuotedName($this), $columnProperties); } $addedIndexes = $this->indexAssetsByLowerCaseName($diff->getAddedIndexes()); $modifiedIndexes = $this->indexAssetsByLowerCaseName($diff->getModifiedIndexes()); $diffModified = \false; if (isset($addedIndexes['primary'])) { $keyColumns = array_unique(array_values($addedIndexes['primary']->getColumns())); $queryParts[] = 'ADD PRIMARY KEY (' . implode(', ', $keyColumns) . ')'; unset($addedIndexes['primary']); $diffModified = \true; } elseif (isset($modifiedIndexes['primary'])) { $addedColumns = $this->indexAssetsByLowerCaseName($diff->getAddedColumns()); // Necessary in case the new primary key includes a new auto_increment column foreach ($modifiedIndexes['primary']->getColumns() as $columnName) { if (isset($addedColumns[$columnName]) && $addedColumns[$columnName]->getAutoincrement()) { $keyColumns = array_unique(array_values($modifiedIndexes['primary']->getColumns())); $queryParts[] = 'DROP PRIMARY KEY'; $queryParts[] = 'ADD PRIMARY KEY (' . implode(', ', $keyColumns) . ')'; unset($modifiedIndexes['primary']); $diffModified = \true; break; } } } if ($diffModified) { $diff = new TableDiff($diff->name, $diff->getAddedColumns(), $diff->getModifiedColumns(), $diff->getDroppedColumns(), array_values($addedIndexes), array_values($modifiedIndexes), $diff->getDroppedIndexes(), $diff->getOldTable(), $diff->getAddedForeignKeys(), $diff->getModifiedForeignKeys(), $diff->getDroppedForeignKeys(), $diff->getRenamedColumns(), $diff->getRenamedIndexes()); } $sql = []; $tableSql = []; if (!$this->onSchemaAlterTable($diff, $tableSql)) { if (count($queryParts) > 0) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . ($diff->getOldTable() ?? $diff->getName($this))->getQuotedName($this) . ' ' . implode(', ', $queryParts); } $sql = array_merge($this->getPreAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL($diff), $sql, $this->getPostAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL($diff)); } return array_merge($sql, $tableSql, $columnSql); } protected function getPreAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL(TableDiff $diff) { $sql = []; $tableNameSQL = ($diff->getOldTable() ?? $diff->getName($this))->getQuotedName($this); foreach ($diff->getModifiedIndexes() as $changedIndex) { $sql = array_merge($sql, $this->getPreAlterTableAlterPrimaryKeySQL($diff, $changedIndex)); } foreach ($diff->getDroppedIndexes() as $droppedIndex) { $sql = array_merge($sql, $this->getPreAlterTableAlterPrimaryKeySQL($diff, $droppedIndex)); foreach ($diff->getAddedIndexes() as $addedIndex) { if ($droppedIndex->getColumns() !== $addedIndex->getColumns()) { continue; } $indexClause = 'INDEX ' . $addedIndex->getName(); if ($addedIndex->isPrimary()) { $indexClause = 'PRIMARY KEY'; } elseif ($addedIndex->isUnique()) { $indexClause = 'UNIQUE INDEX ' . $addedIndex->getName(); } $query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tableNameSQL . ' DROP INDEX ' . $droppedIndex->getName() . ', '; $query .= 'ADD ' . $indexClause; $query .= ' (' . $this->getIndexFieldDeclarationListSQL($addedIndex) . ')'; $sql[] = $query; $diff->unsetAddedIndex($addedIndex); $diff->unsetDroppedIndex($droppedIndex); break; } } $engine = 'INNODB'; $table = $diff->getOldTable(); if ($table !== null && $table->hasOption('engine')) { $engine = strtoupper(trim($table->getOption('engine'))); } // Suppress foreign key constraint propagation on non-supporting engines. if ($engine !== 'INNODB') { $diff->addedForeignKeys = []; $diff->changedForeignKeys = []; $diff->removedForeignKeys = []; } $sql = array_merge($sql, $this->getPreAlterTableAlterIndexForeignKeySQL($diff), parent::getPreAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL($diff), $this->getPreAlterTableRenameIndexForeignKeySQL($diff)); return $sql; } private function getPreAlterTableAlterPrimaryKeySQL(TableDiff $diff, Index $index) : array { if (!$index->isPrimary()) { return []; } $table = $diff->getOldTable(); if ($table === null) { return []; } $sql = []; $tableNameSQL = ($diff->getOldTable() ?? $diff->getName($this))->getQuotedName($this); // Dropping primary keys requires to unset autoincrement attribute on the particular column first. foreach ($index->getColumns() as $columnName) { if (!$table->hasColumn($columnName)) { continue; } $column = $table->getColumn($columnName); if ($column->getAutoincrement() !== \true) { continue; } $column->setAutoincrement(\false); $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tableNameSQL . ' MODIFY ' . $this->getColumnDeclarationSQL($column->getQuotedName($this), $column->toArray()); // original autoincrement information might be needed later on by other parts of the table alteration $column->setAutoincrement(\true); } return $sql; } private function getPreAlterTableAlterIndexForeignKeySQL(TableDiff $diff) : array { $table = $diff->getOldTable(); if ($table === null) { return []; } $primaryKey = $table->getPrimaryKey(); if ($primaryKey === null) { return []; } $primaryKeyColumns = []; foreach ($primaryKey->getColumns() as $columnName) { if (!$table->hasColumn($columnName)) { continue; } $primaryKeyColumns[] = $table->getColumn($columnName); } if (count($primaryKeyColumns) === 0) { return []; } $sql = []; $tableNameSQL = $table->getQuotedName($this); foreach ($diff->getModifiedIndexes() as $changedIndex) { // Changed primary key if (!$changedIndex->isPrimary()) { continue; } foreach ($primaryKeyColumns as $column) { // Check if an autoincrement column was dropped from the primary key. if (!$column->getAutoincrement() || in_array($column->getName(), $changedIndex->getColumns(), \true)) { continue; } // The autoincrement attribute needs to be removed from the dropped column // before we can drop and recreate the primary key. $column->setAutoincrement(\false); $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tableNameSQL . ' MODIFY ' . $this->getColumnDeclarationSQL($column->getQuotedName($this), $column->toArray()); // Restore the autoincrement attribute as it might be needed later on // by other parts of the table alteration. $column->setAutoincrement(\true); } } return $sql; } protected function getPreAlterTableRenameIndexForeignKeySQL(TableDiff $diff) { $sql = []; $tableNameSQL = ($diff->getOldTable() ?? $diff->getName($this))->getQuotedName($this); foreach ($this->getRemainingForeignKeyConstraintsRequiringRenamedIndexes($diff) as $foreignKey) { if (in_array($foreignKey, $diff->getModifiedForeignKeys(), \true)) { continue; } $sql[] = $this->getDropForeignKeySQL($foreignKey->getQuotedName($this), $tableNameSQL); } return $sql; } private function getRemainingForeignKeyConstraintsRequiringRenamedIndexes(TableDiff $diff) : array { if (count($diff->getRenamedIndexes()) === 0) { return []; } $table = $diff->getOldTable(); if ($table === null) { return []; } $foreignKeys = []; $remainingForeignKeys = array_diff_key($table->getForeignKeys(), $diff->getDroppedForeignKeys()); foreach ($remainingForeignKeys as $foreignKey) { foreach ($diff->getRenamedIndexes() as $index) { if ($foreignKey->intersectsIndexColumns($index)) { $foreignKeys[] = $foreignKey; break; } } } return $foreignKeys; } protected function getPostAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL(TableDiff $diff) { return array_merge(parent::getPostAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL($diff), $this->getPostAlterTableRenameIndexForeignKeySQL($diff)); } protected function getPostAlterTableRenameIndexForeignKeySQL(TableDiff $diff) { $sql = []; $newName = $diff->getNewName(); if ($newName !== \false) { $tableNameSQL = $newName->getQuotedName($this); } else { $tableNameSQL = ($diff->getOldTable() ?? $diff->getName($this))->getQuotedName($this); } foreach ($this->getRemainingForeignKeyConstraintsRequiringRenamedIndexes($diff) as $foreignKey) { if (in_array($foreignKey, $diff->getModifiedForeignKeys(), \true)) { continue; } $sql[] = $this->getCreateForeignKeySQL($foreignKey, $tableNameSQL); } return $sql; } protected function getCreateIndexSQLFlags(Index $index) { $type = ''; if ($index->isUnique()) { $type .= 'UNIQUE '; } elseif ($index->hasFlag('fulltext')) { $type .= 'FULLTEXT '; } elseif ($index->hasFlag('spatial')) { $type .= 'SPATIAL '; } return $type; } public function getIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { return 'INT' . $this->_getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL($column); } public function getBigIntTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { return 'BIGINT' . $this->_getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL($column); } public function getSmallIntTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { return 'SMALLINT' . $this->_getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL($column); } public function getFloatDeclarationSQL(array $column) { return 'DOUBLE PRECISION' . $this->getUnsignedDeclaration($column); } public function getDecimalTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { return parent::getDecimalTypeDeclarationSQL($column) . $this->getUnsignedDeclaration($column); } private function getUnsignedDeclaration(array $columnDef) : string { return !empty($columnDef['unsigned']) ? ' UNSIGNED' : ''; } protected function _getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { $autoinc = ''; if (!empty($column['autoincrement'])) { $autoinc = ' AUTO_INCREMENT'; } return $this->getUnsignedDeclaration($column) . $autoinc; } public function getColumnCharsetDeclarationSQL($charset) { return 'CHARACTER SET ' . $charset; } public function getAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSQL(ForeignKeyConstraint $foreignKey) { $query = ''; if ($foreignKey->hasOption('match')) { $query .= ' MATCH ' . $foreignKey->getOption('match'); } $query .= parent::getAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSQL($foreignKey); return $query; } public function getDropIndexSQL($index, $table = null) { if ($index instanceof Index) { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/issues/4798', 'Passing $index as an Index object to %s is deprecated. Pass it as a quoted name instead.', __METHOD__); $indexName = $index->getQuotedName($this); } elseif (is_string($index)) { $indexName = $index; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__METHOD__ . '() expects $index parameter to be string or ' . Index::class . '.'); } if ($table instanceof Table) { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/issues/4798', 'Passing $table as a Table object to %s is deprecated. Pass it as a quoted name instead.', __METHOD__); $table = $table->getQuotedName($this); } elseif (!is_string($table)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__METHOD__ . '() expects $table parameter to be string or ' . Table::class . '.'); } if ($index instanceof Index && $index->isPrimary()) { // MySQL primary keys are always named "PRIMARY", // so we cannot use them in statements because of them being keyword. return $this->getDropPrimaryKeySQL($table); } return 'DROP INDEX ' . $indexName . ' ON ' . $table; } protected function getDropPrimaryKeySQL($table) { return 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' DROP PRIMARY KEY'; } public function getDropUniqueConstraintSQL(string $name, string $tableName) : string { return $this->getDropIndexSQL($name, $tableName); } public function getSetTransactionIsolationSQL($level) { return 'SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ' . $this->_getTransactionIsolationLevelSQL($level); } public function getName() { Deprecation::triggerIfCalledFromOutside('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/issues/4749', 'AbstractMySQLPlatform::getName() is deprecated. Identify platforms by their class.'); return 'mysql'; } public function getReadLockSQL() { return 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE'; } protected function initializeDoctrineTypeMappings() { $this->doctrineTypeMapping = ['bigint' => Types::BIGINT, 'binary' => Types::BINARY, 'blob' => Types::BLOB, 'char' => Types::STRING, 'date' => Types::DATE_MUTABLE, 'datetime' => Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE, 'decimal' => Types::DECIMAL, 'double' => Types::FLOAT, 'float' => Types::FLOAT, 'int' => Types::INTEGER, 'integer' => Types::INTEGER, 'longblob' => Types::BLOB, 'longtext' => Types::TEXT, 'mediumblob' => Types::BLOB, 'mediumint' => Types::INTEGER, 'mediumtext' => Types::TEXT, 'numeric' => Types::DECIMAL, 'real' => Types::FLOAT, 'set' => Types::SIMPLE_ARRAY, 'smallint' => Types::SMALLINT, 'string' => Types::STRING, 'text' => Types::TEXT, 'time' => Types::TIME_MUTABLE, 'timestamp' => Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE, 'tinyblob' => Types::BLOB, 'tinyint' => Types::BOOLEAN, 'tinytext' => Types::TEXT, 'varbinary' => Types::BINARY, 'varchar' => Types::STRING, 'year' => Types::DATE_MUTABLE]; } public function getVarcharMaxLength() { Deprecation::triggerIfCalledFromOutside('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/issues/3263', 'AbstractMySQLPlatform::getVarcharMaxLength() is deprecated.'); return 65535; } public function getBinaryMaxLength() { Deprecation::triggerIfCalledFromOutside('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/issues/3263', 'AbstractMySQLPlatform::getBinaryMaxLength() is deprecated.'); return 65535; } protected function getReservedKeywordsClass() { Deprecation::triggerIfCalledFromOutside('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/issues/4510', 'AbstractMySQLPlatform::getReservedKeywordsClass() is deprecated,' . ' use AbstractMySQLPlatform::createReservedKeywordsList() instead.'); return Keywords\MySQLKeywords::class; } public function getDropTemporaryTableSQL($table) { if ($table instanceof Table) { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/issues/4798', 'Passing $table as a Table object to %s is deprecated. Pass it as a quoted name instead.', __METHOD__); $table = $table->getQuotedName($this); } elseif (!is_string($table)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__METHOD__ . '() expects $table parameter to be string or ' . Table::class . '.'); } return 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE ' . $table; } public function getBlobTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { if (!empty($column['length']) && is_numeric($column['length'])) { $length = $column['length']; if ($length <= static::LENGTH_LIMIT_TINYBLOB) { return 'TINYBLOB'; } if ($length <= static::LENGTH_LIMIT_BLOB) { return 'BLOB'; } if ($length <= static::LENGTH_LIMIT_MEDIUMBLOB) { return 'MEDIUMBLOB'; } } return 'LONGBLOB'; } public function quoteStringLiteral($str) { $str = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $str); // MySQL requires backslashes to be escaped return parent::quoteStringLiteral($str); } public function getDefaultTransactionIsolationLevel() { return TransactionIsolationLevel::REPEATABLE_READ; } public function supportsColumnLengthIndexes() : bool { return \true; } protected function getDatabaseNameSQL(?string $databaseName) : string { Deprecation::triggerIfCalledFromOutside('doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/6215', '%s is deprecated without replacement.', __METHOD__); if ($databaseName !== null) { return $this->quoteStringLiteral($databaseName); } return $this->getCurrentDatabaseExpression(); } public function createSchemaManager(Connection $connection) : MySQLSchemaManager { return new MySQLSchemaManager($connection, $this); } private function indexAssetsByLowerCaseName(array $assets) : array { $result = []; foreach ($assets as $asset) { $result[strtolower($asset->getName())] = $asset; } return $result; } }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractMySQLPlatform" not found in /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/vendor-prefixed/doctrine/dbal/src/Platforms/MySQLPlatform.php:4 Stack trace: #0 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(576): include() #1 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(427): Composer\Autoload\{closure}('/htdocs/wp-cont...') #2 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/lib/Doctrine/ConnectionFactory.php(41): Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass('MailPoetVendor\\...') #3 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/generated/FreeCachedContainer.php(636): MailPoet\Doctrine\ConnectionFactory->createConnection() #4 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/generated/FreeCachedContainer.php(3226): MailPoetGenerated\FreeCachedContainer->getConnectionService() #5 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/generated/FreeCachedContainer.php(646): MailPoetGenerated\FreeCachedContainer->getEntityManagerFactoryService() #6 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/generated/FreeCachedContainer.php(4908): MailPoetGenerated\FreeCachedContainer->getEntityManagerService() #7 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/generated/FreeCachedContainer.php(4898): MailPoetGenerated\FreeCachedContainer->getSettingsRepositoryService() #8 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/generated/FreeCachedContainer.php(2633): MailPoetGenerated\FreeCachedContainer->getSettingsController2Service() #9 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/vendor-prefixed/symfony/dependency-injection/Container.php(122): MailPoetGenerated\FreeCachedContainer->getInitializerService() #10 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/vendor-prefixed/symfony/dependency-injection/Container.php(110): MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->make('MailPoet\\Config...', 1) #11 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/lib/DI/ContainerWrapper.php(39): MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get('MailPoet\\Config...') #12 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/mailpoet_initializer.php(89): MailPoet\DI\ContainerWrapper->get('MailPoet\\Config...') #13 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/mailpoet.php(194): require_once('/htdocs/wp-cont...') #14 /htdocs/wp-settings.php(526): include_once('/htdocs/wp-cont...') #15 /htdocs/wp-config.php(85): require_once('/htdocs/wp-sett...') #16 /htdocs/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/htdocs/wp-conf...') #17 /htdocs/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/htdocs/wp-load...') #18 /htdocs/index.php(17): require('/htdocs/wp-blog...') #19 {main} thrown in /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/vendor-prefixed/doctrine/dbal/src/Platforms/MySQLPlatform.php on line 4